After a disastrous debate, President Joe Biden etched questions about his cognitive capabilities into the public consciousness. Liberal media outlets and commentators, who long downplayed warning signs about Biden’s ageing, have changed their tune. Many are now calling on him to step down.


Akela Lacy – Politics reporter, The Intercept

Branko Marcetic – Author: Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden; staff writer, Jacobin

David Sirota – Founder, The Lever

Jennifer Stromer-Galley – Professor of information studies, Syracuse University

On our radar:

After a resounding win in the first round of elections, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party is on the verge of an historic victory. Tariq Nafi looks at the favourable media coverage that helped fuel the far right’s rise.

France’s most passionate protester

Over the centuries, the French have turned political protest into an art form. Producer Johanna Hoes profiles one demonstrator whose penchant for protests – and commitment – sets him apart.

Eric de Chassey – Director, Institut National D’Histoire De l’Art

Jean-Baptiste Redde – Poet & Activist

Sarah Waters – Professor of French Studies, University of Leeds