When you say Gaza, what do you see? What images come to mind? For many people, it will be the death and destruction of the last few months. But there is another side to Gaza that its inhabitants are keen to highlight – its beauty.

And remembering that now, is its own form of resistance. Stunning sunsets. Families picnicking on the beach. Teenagers riding horses through cobbled streets. The destruction of a people – genocide – comes through the destruction of its culture and living space. As the International Court of Justice examines the case against Israel, we remember Gaza in all its glory to remind us all of the true picture of Palestine’s coastal lands.

Presenter: Myriam Francois

Suhail Nassar – Photographer

Nahed Elrayes – Palestinian Artist and musician

Samah Sabawi – Playwright and scholar

Abdul Karim Sabawi – Author and poet

Andrew McConnell – Photographer and filmmaker