Polling stations have officially opened in South Africa but voting has not yet started at the biggest one – Joubert Park in downtown Johannesburg.

Election officials are frantically busy, putting up voting booths made of cardboard and taping ballot boxes together.

Because of the huge number of voters here, the polling station has been split into three voting booths with 20 to 30 people in each queue.

First in one of the queues is Steve Khoza, wearing a tie and standing with a crutch.

He is a security guard who was attacked by robbers while on his way to work in 2011.

Mr Khoza has come to the polling station straight from a night shift and is patiently waiting to cast his ballot.
He won’t tell me who he’ll vote for but, not surprisingly, crime is at the top of his mind.

He says the government must get to grips with it, and build a loyal and disciplined police force.