
Sunak says the government has an airfield on standby, as well as commercial flights ready to go to Rwanda.

“This is one of the most complex endeavours the Home Office has carried out,” Sunak tells the press conference.


Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says the government has “prepared for this moment” – to send some asylum seekers to Rwanda.

“There are 200 trained dedicated case workers ready and waiting,” the prime minister adds.


Sunak begins by saying that opponents of the government’s plan, including Labour peers in the House of Lords, have “used every trick in the book” to attempt to stop the Rwanda bill from passing.

“No ifs no buts, these flights are going to Rwanda,” he says.


The prime minister has taken his place at the podium in Downing Street.

You can watch Rishi Sunak’s statement live by pressing the play button on the stream above.


Chris Mason

Political editor

Rishi Sunak’s news conference will start shortly.

Hopefully I’ll get to ask a question. I notice a new graphic on display – which seems to mimic a border control stamp – in this case saying ‘stop’ or no.

The whole point of this policy is to act as a deterrent to those contemplating crossing the English Channel in small boats.