Hakeem Jeffries, the leader of the Democrats in the House, says his party, President Biden and “traditional conservatives” in the Republican Party have “risen to the occasion”.

“Pro-Putin extremists” have obstructed the national security interests of the American people, he adds.

Jeffries tells fellow members that they have a responsibility to push back against tyranny, totalitarianism and terror, and to stand with democracies around the world.

He also highlights the humanitarian aid included in the package being debated today.

He says Ukraine has “against all odds, continued to stand for what we as Americans believe in”.

Jeffries continues: “The Ukrainian people have taught us something: in the face of a powerful military apparatus when people believe in freedom, liberty and democracy, they can overcome even the mightiest of militaries.”

He ends by saying the US will stand with the Ukrainian people until victory is won.

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